Why I Hate Everything

Why I hate everything

    Life sucks.  It is difficult, chaotic, and inherently unfair.  You could be the kindest person in the world, who works harder than anyone else, and yet still, outside of anyone’s control, for no reason at all the most horrid of misfortunes may still befall you.  More than that, we live in a society that is set up to keep you from succeeding. You are constantly in competition with everyone else, whether your goal is money, status, or potential dating partners, you can never let your guard down because someone is always waiting to take advantage of you.  And all men are not created equal. If you weren’t born into a good life, the systems in place, be they education or finance or politics, are set up to keep you out.

    It gets worse.  The world is divided.  Politically, racially, religiously, and even down to simple things like what kind of music you listen to.  There is a prevalent attitude of “us versus them”, and therefore if you aren’t exactly like me and don’t like what I like, you must be awful.  Unless you’re in my unique, strange, and particular intersection of categories, you’re the enemy. You don’t like Harry Potter? We can’t be friends.  You voted for the wrong person? You’re worse than Hitler. You thought you could express your feelings? We don’t tolerate that here.

    And honestly, none of this would bother me.  I can handle a harsh world. I could handle a hostile world.  I can handle having fighting for survival, and if that’s the way things had to be I wouldn’t complain.  But that’s where I have the big problem: things don’t have to be this way. People don’t have to be this selfish.  People don’t have to be this divisive. The world is naturally unfair, it doesn’t need our help to make it worse.

Everyday, I see a million little things that could be tweaked in little ways to drastically make life better for everyone.  Sometimes I miss my bus just because the driver decided to start early. How easy would it be to care about your job, and leave on time?  It’s not even that he’s late, and has an excuse! He’s already there, he just needs to not do it wrong! And we’ve all seen construction sites with ten people standing around doing nothing.  Don’t you think there might be some better way to manage their time?

    Well, I say there is a better way.  There are several better ways. And so I hate everything because people just don’t care enough to make things better.  All it takes is a little consideration, and people taking a little pride in what they do, and we all could make the world a paradise.  But instead just look around you to see what we’re stuck with.

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